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Communicating With Your Ex About COVID-19 Custody Issues

During a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, family becomes more important than ever, especially for children whose schedules have been disrupted by long-term school closures and the cancellation of other activities. Parents who are divorced or live apart for other reasons know the importance of maintaining healthy communication through difficult situations. Though this situation is unlike any other, some of the skills developed through previous discussions of custody and visitation arrangements might contribute to everyone’s well-being.  

With quarantines, the closing of many businesses and the ever-present health threat, conversations about parenting issues among former partners should focus on:  

Whether your best solution involves online visits, preparations for extra visitation time when the pandemic eases, or negotiations for a temporary parenting plan modification, a knowledgeable family law attorney can advise you on strategies that suit your circumstances and needs while protecting your children.

Contact a thorough family lawyer to schedule a meeting 

Law Offices of Kisha M. Hebbon, LLC assists clients with various family law issues. For a consultation regarding your issue, please call 732-633-2224 or contact the firm online.


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